
(above) President Hank Pedicone presents the 2023 Fendley Award to Ralph DeSorbo

Fendley Award. Samuel D. "Doc'' Fendley was the first chorus director of the Schenectady Chapter, serving from 1944 to 1955 at which time he was transferred by GE to Waynesboro, VA. In a phone conversation a few years before he passed away, Doc reminisced about the early days of the chapter just as cheerfully and upbeat as he was when he directed the chorus. During those 11 years Doc jumped around the stage, flailed his arms, and did the total choreography bit all by himself.

The Fendley Award was established in 1956 to honor the memory of Doc. It is roughly equivalent to the "Barbershopper of the Year" award given by other chapters. The Fendley Award is presented annually by the Schenectady Chapter to a member in good standing who has made a significant contribution to the Chapter. Initially, the award was given based on a point system, with points being given for offices held, quartet activity, leadership, meeting attendance, and a host of other factors. Later, this system was changed to one where the recipient is selected by a committee comprised of three former Fendley Award winners and appointed by the President.

Conway Award. The Bill Conway Award is given from time to time to honor a member who has shown outstanding achievement and made significant contributions to the chapter. As background:  Bill Conway was an irrepressible barbershopper. In 1948 his quartet, the Pittsburghers, won the international competition. Due to a serious illness that affected his vocal chords and effectively ended his competition career, Bill was limited in his later years to singing through a trachial amplifier, but that never slowed him down. In the mid 1950's, his company transferred him to Canajoharie, from where he began making 70-mile round trips to attend ECC practices. He pitched in in many ways to build up the Chorus, becoming stage manager for the chorus' shows, building much of the scenery, and all the while offering valuable advice & coaching to the chorus & its quartets. In 1990, the chapter established the Bill Conway award, to honor particularly outstanding achievement and contribution to the chapter.  The award isn't made every year. But it's presented whenever in the judgment of the President, it's especially deserved.   

Past Recipients 

Fendlev Award — BOTY Conway Award
1956  Don Flom 1990 Dick Storey 1990  Bill Conway
1957  Ed Collins 1991 Chuck Eaker
1958  Joe Daniels 1992 Bob Walsh 1997  Ray Benoit
1959  John Stretch 1993 Hal Stephens  Ed Gifford
1960   Dick Miller 1994 Jeff Mailhotte  Steve Lawrence
1961  John Lock 1995 K.C. White 1998  Peg Lawrence
1962  Bill O’Conner 1996 Steve Lawrence 1999  Bob Todt, Sr.
1963  Ed Gifford 1997 Larry Clow 2000  Ray Benoit
1964  Steve Van Allen 1998 Roger Murphy 2003  Steve Lawrence
1965  Ed Fuchs 1999 Walt Lane 2004  Pat Clow
1966  Bob Coward 2000 Hal Stephens  Jackie Mattice
1967  Leo Mailhotte 2001 Phil Christmas 2005  Bob Weinhold
1968  Bill Dubrey 2002 Richard Lenehan  Bob & Barb Todt, Sr
1969  Leo Mailhotte 2003 Ed Gifford 2007  Randy Rosette
1970  Bob Weinhold 2004 Duane Cunningham 2008  Steve Lawrence
1971  Gaylord Preston Chuck Farone  Jim Stearns
1972  Dave Brown 2005 Fred Simon 2009  Wally Adelmann
1973  Bob Burke 2006 Don Flom
1974  Chet Pachucki 2007 Chris Jensen 2012  Joe Smith
1975  Andy Onderdunk 2008 Jim Bowen 2013  Ron Messersmith
 Bob Sutton 2009 Jim Stearns 2014  Richard Lenehan
1976  Nick Emanuele 2010 Joe Millett 2015  Joe Betz
1977  Allen Johnson 2011 Roger Murphy 2016  Chuck Eaker
 Bill Lawrence 2012 Wally Adelmann  2018  Walt Lane
1978  Bill Conway 2013 Harry Willis      Jim Bowen
1979  Onnie Knapp 2014 Chris Jensen 2019  Chuck Farone              
1980  Don Kelsey 2015 Dave Iovinella          2022   Bill Serritella
1981  Steve Lawrence 2016 Bill Serritella
1982  George Rosmarin 2017 Terry Topka                      
1983  Bob Gelber 2018 Kermit Wamsley
1984  Ray Benoit 2019 George Pokorny
1985  Bob Todt, Sr. 2020 Hank Pedicone    
1986  Dave Pelton         2022 Chris Jensen
1987  Ray Collins          2023 Ralph DeSorbo
1988  R. Harrison Hall
1989  Bart Zeh